Friday, November 27, 2009


小學時候, 老師已經話我手掌多紋, 問我係咪個腦係咪成日諗野. 我思故我在呀~

食腦遊戲可減肥 玩1小時耗90卡路里

(明報)2009年11月26日 星期四 05:10


腦部訓練網站cannyminds.com研究員福斯特(Tim Forrester)說:「我們的大腦僅是為維持正常運作,每分鐘就需要消耗0.1卡路里,當我們從事諸如數獨等富挑戰性的遊戲,大腦每分鐘會消耗1.5卡路里。」

他解釋,大腦由數百萬個稱為神經元(neurons)的神經細胞組成。神經元負責向身體傳遞信息,它會從血液中抽取葡萄糖、卡路里及氧氣,來製造一 種名為「神經傳送素」(neurotransmitter)的化學物,以傳遞信息。因此,當人動腦筋玩數獨等高難度遊戲時,意味大腦將需要更多葡萄糖和卡 路里以製造「神經傳送素」,換言之便要消耗更多熱量。



Sunday, November 15, 2009


上星期是我們一週年, 不過家人臨時黎澳旅行, 而香港既gathering又告吹, 計劃改晒.
只不過接佢地船,買路環第一葡撻, 食葡菜, 行永利同大三巴果邊, 大家都行到攰, 我腰骨痛添...
臨走時我先話佢知收埋禮物, surprise呀...

星期六晚就去星際食自助餐, 重點係生蠔!!!之後發現有長腳蟹!!!!wowwowwowwow
我地7點前入座, 食到9點9, 幾乎乜都試晒. 有人話中華沙律cheap唔食, 但我拎左兩轉, D味真係整得幾好.
食完頭盤生蠔,螺肉,凍蝦就要魚生, 有三文魚,八爪魚, 鯖魚同阿拉斯加長腳蟹!!!

點解我攞果D腳咁幼既?? 人地攞兩次都咁大件 >< 唔公平!!!

之後等5分鐘攞到四隻鐵板燒牛油大蝦都好正, 膽固醇好高所以share食. 若果是以前,我一定食晒一碟.我都只攞4隻蠔咋.

呢度仲有live band唱歌, 情調幾ok, 比新葡京,金沙整體都好, 價錢就mop 238/pax, 計左蟹價.

食完我真係好飽, 無去洗手間, 喺氹仔city of dream n 威尼斯人出面行下消化下.

睇怕呢餐係今年最後一餐buffet, 聖誕食第樣啦.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

bilateral fibrocystic breast disease or Fibrocystic changes

數年前我入院檢查過, 報告是正面的, 可是現在才發現當年醫生沒有將化驗報告退給我. 至年中我要轉保險計劃時, 該保險公司發現這遺漏, 要求我再去做ultra-sound檢查, 報告寫著"Bilateral fibrocystic breast disease". 結果, 我新的保險計劃不保障breast cancer. T_T
由於該報告畫了我有很多"粒粒", 比數年前的多很多. 經保險介紹, 約了去這方面很出名的女醫生再檢查. 原本是9月去,但過了馬來西亞, 最後定好10月31中午.

嘩, 我等候見醫生時頗擔心的, 但看見一位候診者跟朋友談話不久便哭的樣子, 我想我情況樂觀.

醫生邊幫我照超聲波邊解釋"水泡""纖維瘤"跟cancer風險. 她說我兩邊真有很多水泡同纖維瘤, 跟基因同荷爾蒙有關, 但可以放心, 不是硬塊. 她沒有叫我開刀抽走粒粒, 又沒說要抽樣化驗.

她只叫我每月自我檢查同一年覆診一次. 由於她睇開情況比較嚴重的病人, 所以下年我去覆診是診所另一位醫生, 報告有問題才轉給她看. 我都老實說不用見她即是無事! :)

診金加超聲波HKD600+700=HKD1300. 就算公司或保險沒有賠償, 這千多元買個安心都好值呢~~

定期驗身, 令你放心. 我都會下年開始做body check.


Fibrocystic change is a generalized term used to describe a variety of benign changes in the breast that affect both glandular and connective tissue. Symptoms of this condition are breast swelling or pain, as well as nodules, lumpiness, or nipple discharge. At least half of all women will be affected by fibrocystic changes at some point in their life. Women of childbearing age are affected most commonly, but women of all ages can develop fibrocystic changes. Most of these symptoms stop after menopause, unless hormone replacement therapy is used.

Many fibrocystic changes are a reflection of the response of breast tissue to monthly hormonal changes. Even though these changes are very common and are not life threatening, some of the symptoms are similar to those of breast cancer, so it is important to evaluate the cause of the symptoms to rule out the possibility of cancer. In addition, some fibrocystic changes may indicate that a woman has an increased risk of later developing breast cancer. A definitive diagnosis will lead to a better understanding of breast cancer risk and the appropriate screening programs for a woman to follow.

The severity of fibrocystic changes can be extremely variable; some women experience only minor discomfort, while others suffer severe symptoms. Although much research has gone into finding methods for treating these symptoms, little progress has been made in developing effective treatments. Some women have reported relief of symptoms by avoiding the use of caffeine, reducing salt intake or using diuretics (fluid pills), and taking vitamin supplements; however, studies to date have not clearly established the effectiveness of any of these methods.

Other specific forms of fibrocystic change are adenosis, cysts, epithelial hyperplasia, and fibrosis.