老實講, 去到9月, 我想做工既心態好強烈. 呢兩個幾月見工機會貴精不貴多, 10零份, 幾份我好有興趣咋, 亦測試到以我未qualified既學歷喺出面係幾難返紙公司既人工. 不過, 世事就係奇妙.
send application去crocs時打錯application position, 隔日發現更正再send. 喺我瞓晏覺時就打黎叫我面試.
之前見工都唔會同人講見邊間, 黎到去crocs面試時間, 咁啱同朋友傾偈食飯就提左crocs, 自己都覺機會大, 好心機去搵料, 準備應對. 公司要2年經驗, 無理由我搞唔掂既!
第一次見HR, 有晒準備過到關, 佢叫我留多陣等Finance Manager, 即是2nd in啦~過兩日之後再去見Senior Accountant. 佢講一句呢個位做A樣野同我之前既做法差唔多, 有機!
星期五坐巴士去上環HR打黎confirm, 好, 我接受. 最感謝佢offer價大過我expected但小過我last. 無相干, 若以工作時計, 之前9至6點半, 而家9至6, 收少D無問題.
由我去crocs office, 見到meeting room對住海景, 員工衣著causal, 一人一對crocs鞋, 感覺良好又似以前第一份工賣textbooks果間, 兜兜轉轉, representative office/trading company就係我既落腳地.
雖然查到去年傳出crocs會倒閉, 生意飽和, 但我睇annual reports仍然有可為. 無論環境如何, 我都想一直於crocs工作, 不要轉工啊~~
Junior Accountant
- Handle Accounts Payable and Inter-company functions
- Manage and control inter-company billing process
- Perform daily accounting duties including voucher entry
- Perform cashflow forecast and schedule payments according to vendor terms, cashflow and business needs
- Perform month-end closing, financial reporting, account reconciliation and variance analysis
- Assist supervisor in budgeting and forecasts
- University degree/ Diploma in Accounting
- Minimum 2 years experience in accounting, Retail experience highly preferred
- Proficient in computer usage, especially MS excel & word, computerized accounting system
- Good analytical and problem solving skills
- Independent, self-motivated, responsible, willing to learn, and able to meet tight deadline
- Excellent communication skills in English and Chinese
5-day work per week (9am-6pm)
13-month salary
14 days annual leave (compensation off for work on holidays/weekends)
discretionary bonus
group medical & life insurance
staff purchase discount
以上同我要求既就係perfect match~
Crocs (卡駱馳) Hong Kong Limited is under Crocs Incorporation which is listed on NASDAQ. Business of Crocs was started in July 2002, in Colorado, USA. original market of Crocs shoes was in boating and outdoor but its first launch made a great hit in November 2002. Crocs shoes rapidly became all purpose shoe for comfort and fashion. The business was expanded during 2003 to 2004 and acquired manufacturer Foam Creations Inc. Nowadays, Crocs shoes are sold all over the world (+125 countries) and on the internet with a variety of styles (+120) that emphasis lightweight, soft, comfortable, slip-resistant, fashionable and functional. In Hong Kong, Crocs runs concept stores, outlets, partner stores, sales counters and trades with authorized dealers but only partner store and authorized dealer in Macau.
2Q 2010 results: revenue $228m, 31% increase; gross profit $131.9m, 30% increase.